Lemon Ginger Ice Cube #Zerowaste

Lemonberry collaborated with Antonietta from @simplypuresimplyfresh and she gave us some great tips on how to reduce food waste...
Have you ever bought lemons or ginger, used them up for one recipe and abandon the rest in the refrigerator?
Well don’t let them go to waste! Here is a great #foodwaste back that can be used in different ways.
These lemon/ginger cubes are so versatile, they can be thawed and used as a marinade, added to soups/stews, replace regular ice cubes for a refreshing taste or even add some flavour in your next smoothie!
It’s super easy to make and really depends on what you have on hand.
Organic lemons (or however many you have), washed well
Fresh ginger
A splash of water
Cut the lemon into wedges, remove the seeds (remove the skin if you want a more mild flavour).
Peel the skin off the ginger and cut into small pieces
Blend all the ingredients until smooth consistency, add them to an ice cube tray and let it freeze for several hours or overnight.
You can get more zero waste tips from Antonietta here:
Posted on May 22 2022